New Year's Eve Ceremony

Wow, what a way to kick off the decade, right?! 2020 was really something. In one way or another, we were all so incredibly impacted by this year, for better or worse. We experienced anger, panic, worry, loss, love, faith, surrender, and so much more. Our hearts go out to all of you and the endless ride of emotions 2020 brought up time and again.
But guess what, loves? 2020 is over! Of course, just because the year is over doesn’t mean everything will disappear and go back to normal.
But at least it’s a new chapter to the story. A symbolic end and beginning— of something anyway. And if the world isn’t going to let up or change as quickly as we’d like it to, well, then the best thing we can do is control our own responses to what happens next. We can level up our consciousness, our health, our sense of wellbeing. We can live more intentionally in all areas of our life.
And New Year’s Eve is the perfect time to jumpstart this process! Especially since most of us probably aren’t doing the traditional big party to celebrate the holiday this year. But honestly? If you ask us, conscious and inspiring celebrations that catapult us further into our best, highest- vibe life sound much more appealing, anyway. Here is an easy way to spend your New Year's Eve mindfully with your conscious community.

1. Energy Cleanse

Burn some sage, palo santo, or another cleansing herb bundle (lavender, mugwort, creosote, and rosemary are some other great options) to clear the energy in the space. Walk around the entire room, allowing the smoke to run through all corners and doorways, through the center of the room, and even under the furniture. You can cleanse yourself as well if you feel called. As you smoke cleanse your space, you can repeat a mantra that resonates with you or simply keep your mind on the intention of clearing the space of negative, stagnant energy to make way for new, uplifting energy to come through.

2. Set up an Altar

An altar goes a long way in making a space feel sacred and intentional, and it doesn’t have to be fancy or elaborate. A very simple way to create a special altar that you can connect with is to bring in the elements. Have everyone bring one item (or more) that symbolizes earth (stones, crystals, herbs, flowers), water (sea shells, cup of water, essential oils), fire (candle, incense, matches, ash), and air (incense, feathers, bells, instruments). Ideally have items that mean something to you or make you feel happy and grateful when you look at them.

3. Reflect and Journal

Keep the lights fairly dim to cultivate a calm, relaxed space. Light a candle (or several) in the middle of the room, get comfy with some pillows or blankets on the ground and form a circle with your people. Get the mood right with some soft, soothing music. Then take some time to ground and center yourself. You can close your eyes, focus on your breath, and do a simple body scan to really become present in the moment.
Pull out your journal and answer these prompts. You can answer all of them or only a few. You can write down just one single sentence or fill the page up. However much writing needs to be done in order for you to fully process your emotions and inner world, do that.
This year, I’m mourning...
My lowest low this year was...
This year, I’m celebrating...
My highest high this year was...
The biggest lesson I received this year was...
2020 summed up in one word would be...
Moving forward, I’m letting go of...
Thank you, 2020, for...
Once you’ve answered these, sit with 2020 for a moment, feeling everything you’ve brought back to the forefront of your mind. Then, say goodbye. If you’d like, you can even rip these pages out of your journal and burn them in a bonfire later to really let go and release 2020 and all it was (or wasn’t) for you.
Out with the old, in with the new. Now it’s time, once and for all, to bring your attention to 2021. Close your eyes and take a few breaths to welcome the new year into your heart and mind. In your journal, take your time to answer these prompts:
For 2021, I’m calling in...
For 2021, I intend to...
For 2021, I want to create...
For 2021, I’m embracing...
My word for 2021 is...

Feel free to share what you’ve written and have a discussion with your people in circle. Snacks and herbal tonics (Loco Cocoa!) are encouraged.

4. Movement and Meditation

Once you’ve spent some significant time with your journal, and you’ve gotten clear on your intentions, you can put it all into action through movement and meditation. Roll out your yoga mat and get in your body. Celebrate the year you’ve had with a yoga flow and invite the New Year in through your breath. You can move freely, following the intuition of your body, or you can have a yoga teacher friend lead the flow for your circle. If a yoga practice isn’t really your thing, have a dance party instead! Just get moving and embody your intentions for 2021!
Close your movement practice with an easy seated meditation, allowing the body and mind to become still and the breath to be steady and calm. Let this moment be the crystallization of all the work you’ve done during this ceremony. This moment seals the deal. You’ve celebrated and released the past year, welcomed the new one in, and primed yourself for ultimate gratitude, expansion, and clarity for your future.
There you have it! A simple, conscious way to celebrate on New Year's Eve. Feel free to tweak this ceremony to fulfill your own community’s desires and interests. However you decide to spend your holiday, we’re wishing you a very joyful year ahead, filled to the brim with love and herbs!



Emily O'Brien

About Emily O'Brien: 
Emily is an Ayurvedic practitioner, yoga teacher, and mother with an overall “crunchy” approach toward life. Writing about what she’s learned throughout years of study is her favorite way to share with others. She hopes her articles can spark awareness and inspiration within readers to lead happier, healthier, more peaceful lives.

Find out more about Emily at https://www.emilyobrienwellnesscom/

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