It’s that time of year again where chocolates and roses and fancy dinners prevail. Everyone posts on social media about how much they love their partner, and while yes, of course, having a significant other is so special, we believe that ultimately self love is where it’s at. It’s really important to make sure you give yourself love and attention, too, because that’s truly how you’ll be able to give and love more with others. So how can you start to cultivate more self love this
month? Whether your single or committed or somewhere in between, we’ve got some tips for you.
Take care of business.
This is the “ugly” side of self love. Or at least the boring side, in most cases. Real self love is about taking care of business now so you don’t have to worry about it later. Do the things you don’t want to do so your future self can relax and move on knowing it’s already done! File your taxes early. Fill out the paperwork you’ve been putting aside. Change the oil in your car. Clean out and organize the pantry. Those things you know you need to do? And that you’d be so happy
to see done? It’s time, love!
Prioritize your health.
If you’re here reading this, you probably have a good grip on your health already, but it’s so important that we have to bring it up! Go to the gym, take a yoga class, get outside for a hike. Move your body every single day. This is seriously one of the most loving things you can do for yourself. Whatever it looks like for you, prioritize your wellbeing. Maybe you decide to finally work with a holistic wellness practitioner to get yourself on track for the year ahead. Maybe you just make sure you’re eating healthy, whole foods and getting plenty of high quality vitamins and minerals in your diet. And remember, we have your back when it comes to getting your daily dose of herbs in!
Treat yo’self, because pleasure is actually a necessity. We need to experience pure pleasure and fun in order to stay sane. It allows us to minimize stress and find joy in the little things. So make sure you’re not too hard on yourself this month (or ever, honestly)! Epsom salt baths, massages, dark chocolate, Netflix marathons, solo trips to the mountains, that dress you really want… whatever it might be that makes you feel good, go for it and don’t look back. Give yourself the space to enjoy the pleasures of life simply because you can and you deserve it. Life is meant to be lived, sis.
Remember, when we cultivate love and compassion for ourselves, we’re better able to share that with the rest of the world. And ultimately, that’s what it’s all about, right? So, especially this month, when there’s so much emphasis on relationships and loving others, remember that the first and most important relationship you have is with yourself. Take good care. <3
With love,
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